Studio Piet Boon
Guidance of and cooperation with the web developer for the design of the website for Studio Piet Boon.
Klawer Foundation
Logo design, website design and WordPress implementation for the Klawer Foundation, a volunteer organization founded in 2005. Klawer Foundation is committed to underprivileged children in the Western Cape of South Africa. In particular for the colored community in the village Klawer.
Moyenne Island Foundation
Logo design and website concept for Moyenne Island. Moyenne Island is a small island off the north coast of Mahé, Seychelles. Since the 1970s it has been a flora and fauna reserve. From 1915 until the 1970s, the island was abandoned until its purchase by Brendon Grimshaw, an English newspaper editor. Grimshaw was the only inhabitant of the island until his death in July 2012. Currently the island is a National Park.
My Buell Motorcycle
Theme development for the WordPress blog of a Buell Motorcycle fanatic.
Hounds of Honor
Logo and website design for Hounds of Honor, a World of Warcraft guild. A guild is an in-game association of player characters. Guilds are formed to make grouping and raiding easier and more rewarding, as well as to form a social atmosphere, like huddling around a campfire, in which to enjoy the game.
3FM Serious Request Fundraiser
Design and front-end development of an in-house fundraiser for 3FM Radio Serious Request, a collaboration of 3FM Radio and the Dutch Red Cross. Every year they ask attention for a silent disaster and try to collect as much money as possible.